School Day
Our School Day
The school gates on Barrow Road and Towles Field open at 8:30 am. Classroom doors open at 8:40am when Class Teachers and/or Learning Support Assistants 'meet and greet' the children at the door.
We welcome the children into school and encourage them to put away their belongings and begin their morning activity; this can be any curriculum based area of learning. We have an open door policy so if you need to give a message to your child's class teacher, they are here to listen and help.
The register is taken at 8:45am, with learning beginning promptly at 8.50am. Gates will closed at 8.50am and any child arriving after this time will need to enter school via Reception and will be given a 'late' mark on the register.
The school day finishes at 3:15pm for EYFS (Beech Class) and 3:20pm. for the rest of the school.
Compulsory school hours are met as the children's time in school totals 32.5 hours per week.
Playtimes and Lunchtimes
The whole school has a joint playtime at 10:30 am. The children come together to play on the school field and playground. We encourage the children to bring a healthy snack (preferably fruit and vegetables) for playtimes and to be active! At morning breaktime, the staff take out a small amount of playground equipment, for example, footballs, skipping ropes and beanbags.
Lunchtimes are slightly staggered to ensure that all children have a calm, relaxed meal time in the hall and adequate playtime outside. EYFS children break at 11.55am. for their lunch and Key Stage 1 at Midday. Our children in Key Stage 2 break for lunchtime at 12:10pm.
We encourage our oldest children to undertake additional responsibilities as 'Playground Leaders'. They organise and lead games such as skipping, traditional games, storytelling and crafts.
All children start their afternoon sessions at 1:10pm.
Late arriving or absent pupils
Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time. We understand that children may be late because of medical or other appointments on occasions. If your child does arrive late to school they must be brought to the main office to be registered.
If your child is going to be absent please contact us by 8:50am. You can telephone or pop into the office to let us know why your child is absent. Alternatively, you can report your child's absence via the Weduc App.
If your child has an upcoming medical or other appointment, please bring the appointment letter to the school office before the day that your child will be absent from or late for school.
Children that are being collected from school during the school day are signed out by a member of staff and by yourselves.
Parents and Carers are strongly discouraged from taking holidays during term time. They can be disruptive to a child’s education. If a request for a term time absence is to be made please complete a Request for Absence form (available from the school office) at the earliest possible opportunity with details explaining the request. Requests are considered by the Headteacher.
Traffic and the school site
We encourage children and parents to walk to school. If you do live too far away to walk, why not find a place to park five minutes walk from the school gates and walk the last part of the journey? It is good for your child as it wakes them up; gives you a chance to have a chat with them and alleviates traffic problems around the school. It is even good for the planet! The Greyhound Public House allows parents to park in the carpark and to park and stride to school - a great resource to have when parking is at a premium!
Parking close to the school gates i.e on Barrow Road and Towles is very difficult and can be extremely dangerous if people do not park considerately. The beginning and end of the school day is very busy with children and families crossing roads. Please do not drive or park inconsiderately or dangerously. If you are parking at Towles Field, please use the carpark which is located at the bottom of Towles Field Road and not the residents parking area. Fines will be issued for parking incorrectly.
Parents are not allowed to drive onto the school site unless there are medical reasons or you are a Blue Badge holder, in which case you would need to contact us in the first instance.
Office Hours
Administrative staff are available between 8:15am and 4:00pm, Monday to Friday during term time.