School Day
The school gates on Barrow Road and Towles Field open at 8:30 am. Classroom doors open at 8:40am when class teachers and/or Learning Support Assistants 'meet and greet' the children at the door. We welcome the children into school and encourage them to put away their belongings and begin their morning activity; this can be any curriculum based area of learning.
We have an open door policy so if you need to give a message to your child's class teacher, they are here to listen and help.
The register is taken at 8:45am, with learning beginning promptly at 8.50am. Gates will closed at 8.50am and any child arriving after this time will need to enter school via Reception and will be given a 'late' mark on the register.
The school day finishes at 3:20pm.
Compulsory school hours are met as the children's time in school totals 32.5 hours per week.
Playtimes and Lunchtimes
The whole school has a joint playtime at 10:40 am. The children come together to play on the school field and playground. We encourage the children to bring a healthy snack (preferably fruit and vegetables) for playtimes and to be active! At morning breaktime, the staff take out a small amount of playground equipment, for example, footballs, skipping ropes and beanbags.
Lunchtimes are staggered to ensure that all children have a calm, relaxed meal time in the hall and adequate playtime outside. EYFS children eat at Midday and Key Stage 1 break at 12:10pm. Our children in Key Stage 2 break for lunchtime at 12:30pm.
We encourage our oldest children to undertake additional responsibilities as 'Playground Leaders'. The organise and lead games such as skipping, traditional games, storytelling and crafts.
EYFS and Key Stage 1 children start their afternoon sessions at 1:10pm and Key Stage 2 recommence their learning at 1:30pm.