Music – Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
At Burton-on-the Wolds Primary School we have chosen to deliver the Kapow Music scheme of work in order to meet the aims of the EYFS framework and National Curriculum. We want children to feel that they are musical and to develop a life-long love of music. We focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need in order to become confident performers, composers and listeners. The Kapow curriculum introduces children to music from all around the world and across generations, teaching children to respect and appreciate the music of all traditions and communities.
Children will develop musical skills of singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing music, and listening and responding to music. They will develop an understanding of the history and cultural context of the music that they listen to and learn how music can be written down.
Kapow’s Primary Music scheme takes a holistic approach to music, in which the individual strands below are woven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences:
· Listening
· Composing
· Performing
· The history of music
· The inter-related dimensions of music
At Burton on the Wolds Primary School, we have chosen to implement the 20-week condensed long-term plan focussing on the essential skills and knowledge of Music, in a shorter timescale and added instrumental units (glockenspiels) in lower key stage 2, to provide the opportunity for whole class instrumental lessons as suggested in the model music curriculum. Year 2 will also have the opportunity to develop their expertise in using a tuned instrument (ocarina).

Music is taught as a discrete lesson following units from the Kapow scheme of work for each year group. Over the course of the scheme, children will be taught how to sing fluently and expressively, and play tuned and untuned instruments accurately and with control. Children will recognise and name the interrelated dimensions of music – pitch, duration, tempo, dynamics, timbre, structure and texture- and use these expressively in their own improvisations and compositions.
In addition to discrete music lessons, further opportunities exist across the curriculum to listen and respond to a range of music. Across all key stages, children have a range of opportunities to experience live musical performances and to take part in musical performances, such as Christmas plays and nativities, Prestwold Church carol service, leavers performance, Young Voices Concert at the Sheffield Arena and glockenspiel and ocarina performances. We also have singing assemblies and extracurricular activities including drumming, singing and peripatetic music lessons, which also provide children with experience of making music. We celebrate ‘Musician of the Month’ to further encourage appreciation and understanding of a range of music styles and traditions from around the world.
Our medium term plans shows which of the units cover each of the national curriculum attainment targets, as well as the strands within it, and which units cover which development matters statements and early learning goals for both prime and specific areas in EYFS. The medium term plans also detail the progression of skills and knowledge within each year group to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of EYFS, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Individual lesson plans include guidance on differentiation to allow all children to access the music lessons and subject specific guidance is provided for teaching staff to allow non-music specialists to teach with confidence.
Kapow’s Primary Music spiral curriculum allows for revisiting and consolidating skills. The lesson plans and resources help children build on prior knowledge alongside introducing new skills and challenge. Children progress in terms of tacking more complex tasks and doing more simpler tasks better, as well as developing understanding and knowledge of the history of music, staff, and other musical notations, as well as the interrelated dimensions of music and more.
The impact of Kapow’s Music scheme is constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment.
The expected impact of following the Kapow Music scheme is that children will be;
· Confident composers, performers and listeners and will be able to express themselves musically.
· Be confident to explore their creativity through music and singing.
· Inspired to become musicians, singers and performers
· Show an appreciated and respect for a wide range of musical styles from around the world and understand how music is influenced by the wider cultural, social and historical in which it is developed
· Understand the ways in which music can be written down to support performing and composing activities
· Demonstrate an enthusiasm for music and identify their own musical preferences. The impact of teaching music will be seen across the school with an increase in the profile of music.
· Meet the end of Key Stage expectations outlined in the EYFS and national curriculum.
· Leave Burton-on-the Wolds Primary School equipped with a range of skills to enable them to succeed in their secondary education and to be able to enjoy and appreciate music throughout their lives.
We have carefully considered our music offer. Please take a look at our School Music Development Plan for 2024-2025.