Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The term 'special educational needs and disabilities' refers to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.
Burton-on-the-Wolds is a mainstream primary school. We provide quality first teaching. This ensures that all children will access high quality, inclusive teaching that provides reasonable adjustments to accommodate learning differences. Special Educational Needs and Disability Support (SEND support) is provision that is additional to or different from that generally made for others of the same age. This means provision that goes beyond the differentiated approaches and learning arrangements routinely provided as part of high quality, personalised teaching. It may take the form of additional support from within the school, or require the involvement of specialist staff or support services.
At Burton-on-the-Wolds Primary School we provide provision for children with needs within all the areas of SEN; communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and physical needs.
The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)
The SENCO is responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the school.
Parents and carers of pupils with SEND are welcome to make an appointment to meet with Mrs Parkin, the SENCO and discuss any aspects of the child’s attainments / progress and the extra support and/or interventions that are in place to help them to achieve their potential.
Please contact the school office by phone call or email and your enquiry will be passed on to Mrs Parkin.