School Dog - Silvio
Meet Silvio! Silvio is our School Dog in training! Silvio was born on 12th September 2022 and both his parents are trained therapy dogs. He is a Bergamasco (Italian Sheepdog) and his temperament and nature; gentle, intelligent, patient and affectionate; means that he has the right characteristics to become an excellent therapy dog. His coat is hypoallergenic as it is non-shedding which means this helps any allergy sufferers. Bergamascos are rare breeds as there are less than 100 dogs in the UK!
Research has shown many benefits to therapy and reading dogs in school settings. Burton-on-the-Wolds Primary School has introduced the use of a therapy dog into the emotional well-being provision at school. This policy is designed to set out to pupils, parents, staff and visitors the reasons for having a school dog and the rules and responsibilities to ensure the safety of pupils, staff, visitors and the school dog. Although there is a risk in bringing a dog into a school environment, this can be mitigated against with a robust risk assessment to ensure the safety of all pupils, parents, staff and visitors. (Appendix A - Risk Assessment).
Children can benefit educationally and emotionally, increase their understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills through contact with a dog. In addition to these benefits, children take great enjoyment from interactions with a dog.
The latest guidance from the government regarding pets and animals in school are below.
Chapter 8: pets and animal contact - GOV.UK - Updated March 2021
Pets and other animals in school can enhance the learning environment. However, contact with animals can pose a risk of infection including gastro-intestinal infection, fungal infections and parasites. Some people, such as pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system, are at greater risk of developing a severe infection. However, sensible measures can be taken to reduce the risk of infection to the children and to staff. Only mature and toilet trained pets should be considered and the Headteacher should ensure that a knowledgeable person is responsible for the animal. There should be a written agreement within the school detailing:
· the types of animals allowed in the school
· how to manage them and permitted behaviour whilst on the premises
· where they can go and where they cannot go when in the school
· any insurance liability of owners and handlers
Animals should always be supervised when in contact with the children and those handling animals advised to wash their hands immediately afterwards. Animals should have recommended treatments and immunisations, be regularly groomed (including claws trimmed) and checked for signs of infection. Bedding should be laundered regularly. Feeding areas should be kept clean and their food stored away from human food. Food not consumed in 20 minutes should be taken away or covered to prevent attracting pests.