British Values

British Values Statement.pdf

In November 2014, the Department for Education published advice for schools named “Promoting fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in schools”.

The document states that schools should promote:

At Burton-on-the-Wolds we are proud of the way in which our pupils conduct themselves and feel it important to reinforce British Values regularly. We promote these values in a variety of ways - our ethos and values, School Council, the wider curriculum, assemblies, trip and visits to name but a few.

The document below outlines our the ways in which British Values are taught.

The children created a Union flag collage from pieces of torn blue and red card.  All the contributions were to reflect the children's own sense of what belonging to Britain means to them.

Children in EYFS created their Flowers of Friendship display which highlights our British Values.  Each flower is a different British Value and each one gives examples about how the children demonstrate that value.